Driving with mum where there were roadworks & a new surface. We drive past the ‘Cats Eyes Removed’ sign & she started crying. “Why have they removed the eye of the local cats?” We did have a good laugh afterwards.
Mum feeling nauseous & me fighting a cold & fever. I moved & said “Bleh”.
Mum goes “Ahh darling do you feel…..feel groovy like me?”
She lost it giggling once she realised she’d got the wrong word.
At Singing For The Brain we were handed a sheet with the words to Cockles & Mussels on it. Mum lost it giggling & I asked if she remembered the song or not. She couldn’t answer as she was giggling so much until eventually she got enough of a grip to share with me that she believed these to be “Men’s parts!”
Holding a flower vase mum said “Where does this beer mat go?”